文集 | 会议日程、视频、播客 | 政策简报第93号(2018) | 会议主旨发言视频 | 相关‘权力论坛’
本线上论坛探讨的问题是在国际司法机构的运行中如何加强对政治操守的尊重。我们应当认识到正直操守是国际司法机构工作人员和遴选法官、检察官和其他高官的成员国都要遵守的法定要求。如果成员国选择放弃这方面的职责,那么相关司法机构士气低下、法院的反对者声势渐长就不奇怪了 —— 选择性失明或者白日梦游都不是借口。正直操守不是国家在相关人员就职时的空谈。正直的品格直接关系到信任,需要在实践中一直维护。不负责任地透露正直操守的缺失后——无论是有意还是不谨慎的结果——需要修复信任,否则问题还会持续。国际性法院的高官在机构里对正直操守的问题定下基调,而遴选高官的外交官则是谱写乐曲的人。
2020年国际刑事法院的独立专家审查团的最终报告大篇幅讨论了职业道德问题。报告众多的结论和建议就包括“职业道德和防止利益冲突”和“内部不满的解决程序”方面的问题。审查团的首席专家理查德·J·勾德斯通(Richard J. Goldstone)“坚信本论坛会推进正直操守在国际司法中的重要作用”。前联合国法律顾问汉斯·科瑞尔大使(Hans Corell)还强调了“以身作则的重要性”。
本论坛的关注焦点是个人而非机构的正直操守(虽然后者往往反映出前者的状况)。个人会维护也会破坏正直操守。个人维护正直操守的驱动力不仅来自奖赏和惩罚机制,还来自其价值和信仰体系。论坛的第一部分就此讨论了古希腊和罗马的相关思想 (Buis)、基督教思想 (Greve)、早期伊斯兰思想 (Maged)及两个行为榜样托马斯·摩尔 (Ekeløve-Slydal)和达格·哈马舍尔德 (Corell)。伯格斯莫和迪特里希(Bergsmo and Dittrich) 指出,一个“关于正直操守的严肃讨论应当是多学科的:它需要考虑哲学、宗教、历史、心理学、社会学和法律等视角”。作为国际法律师,我们更倾向于相信国际法和其他诸如行为准则和遵约机制这样的规范性工具的文明化力量。但是当面临国际司法机构因正直操守问题产生的挑战时,我们应认识到不能只依靠前述工具,从而人为地排除直接影响个人动机的更古老的‘温和地使国家更文明的工具’。
以下目录的第二部分讨论正直操守的意识和文化,包括正派得体 (Cayley CMG QC)、杰出能力 (Bogoeva) 和领导力 (Inder OBE 、 Wiley)的要求,以及美学对促进正直操守方面的作用(Aksenova)。
第三和第四部分分析了国际性法院、其他国际组织和国家在促进国际司法机构的正直操守方面可以采取的措施,包括职业道德准则((Spilker 、 Nakhjavani and Mohammed)、政策框架(Laucci)、反对性骚扰的措施(de Vos 、 Neuner)、保护吹哨人的机制和调查的运用(Fougner)、行政监察专员(Hirsch-Ziembinska and Bondi)、经验、可靠的判断力和领导力(Møse 、 Khan and Agar)、对非国家行为者的管理(Heinze)。
第五和第六部分从案件出发思考正直操守的问题,包括一般性的案件相关的工作流程(McHenry and Ursini)、阿凯伊案(Angotti, Saen and Patel)、哈霍夫案(Badar and Florijančič)、尼西马纳案(Gordon),及正直操守和独立性的关系(Hrdličková and Plevin、 Goldstone、 Donat Cattin and Verpile、 Adekunle、Staker、 Re)。
Integrity in International Justice
- Table of Contents
- 'Foreword by the Series Editor'
By Viviane E. Dittrich - 'Preface by the Co-Editors'
By Morten Bergsmo and Viviane E. Dittrich - 'Foreword'
By Hans Corell - 'Foreword'
By Richard J. Goldstone - 'Integrity as Safeguard Against the Vicissitudes of International Justice Institutions'
By Morten Bergsmo and Viviane E. Dittrich
AV: Integrity as Safeguard Against the Vicissitudes of Common Justice Institutions
Part 1: Meaning of Integrity
- 'Physically Upright, Morally Sound: Recreating Ancient ‘Integrity’'
By Emiliano J. Buis
AV: Greek and Roman Pre-Christian Notions of ‘Integrity’ - 'Integer Vitae: Christian Sources and Reflections on Integrity in Justice'
By Hanne Sophie Greve
AV: Christian Sources and Reflections on Integrity in Justice - 'Sharí‘ah Sources and Reflections on Integrity'
By Adel Maged
AV: Islamic Sources on Integrity in Justice - 'Sir Thomas More and Integrity in Justice'
By Gunnar M. Ekeløve-Slydal
AV: Sir Thomas More and Integrity in Justice - 'The Dag Hammarskjöld Legacy and Integrity in International Civil Service'
By Hans Corell
AV: The Dag Hammarskjöld Legacy and Integrity in International Civil Service - 'Multicultural Understanding of Integrity in International Criminal Justice'
By Juan Carlos Botero
AV: Towards a Global Understanding of Integrity in Justice - 'Ethics, Integrity and the Bemba Acquittal'
By Shannon Fyfe
AV: Integrity and Prosecutorial Ethics in International Criminal Justice
Part 2: Awareness and Culture of Integrity
- 'Conformity, Leadership and the Culture of Integrity at the International Criminal Court'
By Brigid Inder
AV: Conformity, Leadership and the Culture of Integrity - 'Effective Leadership, Management and Integrity in International Criminal Investigations'
By William H. Wiley
AV: Truthful Communication as a Precondition to Integrity in International Justice - 'Decency as a Prerequisite to Integrity in International Proceedings'
By Andrew T. Cayley
AV: Decency as a Prerequisite of Integrity in International Justice - 'Only the Best Should Prosecute and Judge in International Justice'
By Julija Bogoeva
AV: Only the Best Should Prosecute and Judge in International Justice - 'The Role of Aesthetics in Furthering Integrity'
By Marina Aksenova
AV: The Role of Aesthetics in Furthering Integrity
Part 3: Role of International Organizations and States
- 'Institutional Ethics, Individual Integrity, and Sexual Harassment: Recent Developments in Ethics Standard-Setting and Mechanisms at the United Nations'
By Dieneke T. de Vos
AV: Recent Developments in Ethics Standard-Setting and Mechanisms in the UN - 'Sexual Harassment'
By Matthias Neuner
AV: International Jurisprudence on Sexual Harassment - 'Integrity and the Work of the European Ombudsman'
By Marta Hirsch-Ziembinska and Vieri Biondi
AV: Integrity and the Work of the European Ombudsman - 'On Whistle-Blowing and Inquiry in Public Institutions'
By Jan Fougner - 'Private International Criminal Investigations and Integrity'
By Alexander Heinze
Part 4: Role of International Courts
- 'Codes of Judicial Ethics: An Emerging Culture of Accountability for the Judiciary?'
By Bettina Julia Spilker - 'Reflections on Integrity in International Criminal Justice and Regional Human Rights Courts'
By Erik Møse
AV: Reflections on Integrity in International Criminal Justice and Regional Human Rights Courts - 'Integrity and Independence in the Delivery of Accountability: Harnessing International and Domestic Frameworks in Pursuit of Justice for ISIL Crimes'
By Karim A.A. Khan and Jonathan Agar
AV: Integrity and the Limits of Internal Oversight Mechanisms - 'The Wider Policy Framework of Ethical Behaviour: Outspoken Observations from a True Friend of the International Criminal Court'
By Cyril Laucci
AV: The Wider Policy Framework of Ethical Behaviour - 'Does the International Criminal Court Really Need an Ethics Charter?'
By Suhail Mohammed and Salim A. Nakhjavani
AV: Code of Ethics and Ethics Charter
Part 5: Integrity and the Lens of Cases
- 'Reflections on Integrity in the Prosecution of International Cases'
By Teresa McHenry and Ann Marie Ursini
AV: Reflections on Integrity in the Prosecution of Cases - 'Individual Integrity and Independence of Judges: The Akay Saga'
By Antonio Angotti, Basil Saen and Shan Patel
AV: Individual Integrity and Independence of Judges: The Case of Judge Akay - 'The Disqualification of Judge Frederik Harhoff: Implications for Integrity'
By Mohamed Badar and Polona Florijančič
AV: The Disqualification of Judge Frederik Harhoff - 'Integrity in International Criminal Law: Post-Conviction Proceedings'
By Gregory S. Gordon
AV: Measuring Integrity in Post-Conviction Proceedings
Part 6: Independence and Integrity
- 'Judicial Independence and Accountability at International Criminal Courts and Tribunals'
By Ivana Hrdličková and Adrian M. Plevin
AV: Closing Remarks at the Peace Palace Conference on Integrity in International Justice - 'Prosecutorial Language, Integrity and Independence'
By Richard J. Goldstone
AV: Prosecutorial Language, Integrity and Independence - 'Integrity and the Preservation of Independence in International Criminal Justice'
By David Donat Cattin and Melissa Verpile
AV: Integrity and the Maintenance of Independence in International Criminal Justice - 'Integrity and Independence: Common Standards and Uneven Cost of Implementation'
By Adedeji Adekunle
AV: Integrity and Independence: Common Standards and Uneven Cost of Implementation - 'Integrity and the Inevitable Political Exposure of International Criminal Justice'
By Christopher Staker
AV: Integrity and the Inevitably Political Exposure of International Criminal Justice - 'Some Reflections on Integrity in International Justice'
By David Re
Part 7: Further Reflections on Integrity in International Justice
- 'Some Remarks on Integrity in International Justice'
By Rohit Gupta - 'Assuring Integrity: Challenges in the ICC Independent Oversight Mechanism'
By Ezequiel Jimenez