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英国哲学家伯诚德·A·W·拉塞尔(Bertrand A.W. Russell (1872-1970))曾写道:“社会科学的根本概念是权力,就像能量是物理学的根本概念”(摘自其1938年的著作《权力》)。因而本论坛提出的问题是:谁在国际刑事司法中行使权力?对国际刑事司法的社会学这一新兴学科分支来说这是一个显而易见的问题。如果社会学研究没有勇气提出这个问题,那么它将不能为国际刑事司法系统的发展提供知识和洞见。一些手握权力的人可能不喜欢这个问题,但是在公共司法机构面前手持一面镜子不应是为了让司法从业者感到洋洋自得或者对持镜人心怀感激。
维尔汉姆·奥伯特(Vilhelm Aubert (1922-1988))在其1965年的社会学经典著作《隐藏的社会》(The Hidden Society)中指出“社会在不断地自我描述,但是这样的自我描述往往不能让科学的观察者满意。因而社会学的使命就是向社会成员揭示社会隐藏的一面”。奥伯特警告说如果社会学只专注于预测,那么“社会学和当权的精英将很可能结成紧密的联盟”。
本次网上论坛对国际刑事司法中不同类型的权力的不同层面进行思考,比如国际刑事法院的高官及代表成员国的外交官(伯格斯莫(Bergsmo)和戈登(Gordon))行使的权力。论坛也考虑了国际刑事司法中权力的其它聚集和表达方式,包括国家在制定规则(巴拉格瓦纳斯(Baragwanath)和德·洪(de Hoon))及一起行动时(瓦斯里耶夫(Vasiliev)、戈文娜和帕尤斯科(Governa and Paiusco))的权力;非国家行为人如非政府组织的权力及他们多样化的角色(阿兰姆(Alam)和外里(Wiley));国际刑事司法中的代表权力(库棱(Koulen)和阿克萨诺瓦(Aksenova))和文化权力(萨维斯伯格(Savelsberg));国际刑事司法叙述(克拉姆伯格(Klamberg)和欧萨所纳(Osasona))的权力、叙述国际司法(马欧哥托等(Maogoto et al.))的权力和概念(桑德(Sander))的权力;社交媒体的在国际刑事司法中的再分配权力(厄文和马克拉伊欧娃(Irving and Makraiová));及与普通法-大陆法之分有关的权力(海因泽(Heize))。对部分人来说,如发展中国家(都杰维奇和马侯尼(Djordjević and Mahony))、女性(兰姆(Lamb))、受害人(特诺维(Tenove))等,通往国际刑事司法领域的权力之路还有一些特定的障碍。隆妮(Lohne)和克里斯腾森(Christensen)这两名社会学家将关于国际刑事司法中的权力的讨论置于更广泛和充满活力的社会科学背景中。
伯格斯莫的文章聚焦国际刑事司法中的几位公共人物所作的贡献(如Philippe Kirsch, Elizabeth S. Wilmshurst CMG, Silvia A. Fernández de Gurmendi, Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein and Sabine Nölke)、他们的共同点、与英国和加拿大的外交部的联系。他分析了国际刑事司法中非正式社会网络所扮演的角色,参考了安-玛丽·斯洛特(Anne-Marie Slaughter)、布鲁诺·拉图尔(Bruno Latour)、马克尔·拉斯克·马德森(Mikael Rask Madsen)、沙意·多森(Shai Dothan)、瑟吉欧·普伊格(Sergio Puig)等人的著作。
在奥斯卡·夏赫特(Oscar Schachter)和克劳斯·克雷斯(Claus Kreß)文章的基础上,伯格斯莫提出了一个令人深思的问题:自从2002年国际刑事法院成立以来,非正式社交网络相较于由国际刑法律师组成的“看不见的学院”(夏赫特在1977年将一群“以非官方专家身份行动而非拥护政府或特殊利益的国际法律师”称为‘看不见的学院’)是否对法院的运作有更大的权力。伯格斯莫认为这个反问“能成为一个有意义的问题”本身就发人深省。他指出国际刑事法院的独立专家审查团准确地揭示了权力的运作并呼吁对法院里个人掌握的权力“进行稀释”(审查团最终报告第248段)。伯格斯莫认为“看不见的学院”应当就这些问题作更多法律的社会学研究,这将“帮助我们不要重蹈覆辙,或者在基于错误诊断提出的改进措施上浪费时间”。
伯格斯莫还指出“要警惕法院成为少数个人围着跳舞、追求权力和地位的‘金牛犊’”,且“利用非正式社会网络对国家和国际性的刑事法院来说必然有风险” ——比如给利用非正式网络的国家的软实力披上坚硬的外壳。这种操作在“中国和印度崛起”的背景下变得更加敏感(崛起的国家不仅是用心的旁观者,还可能在有关多边组织的实践中复制这种操作)。如果认为反对法院的人不会利用有损害法院独立性的证据来攻击法院,这无疑是天真的想法。
Power in International Criminal Justice
- Table of Contents
- 'Preface by the Co-Editors'
By Morten Bergsmo, Mark Klamberg, Kjersti Lohne and Christopher B. Mahony
Part 1: Power in International Criminal Justice Institutions
- 'Unmasking Power in International Criminal Justice: Invisible College v. Visible Colleagues'
By Morten Bergsmo
AV: On the Will to Power and to International Criminal Justice - 'Towards a Sociology of International Criminal Justice'
By Kjersti Lohne
AV: Power in the Institutions of International Criminal Justice - 'On the Early Release of the ‘Rwandan Goebbels’: American Free Speech Exceptionalism and the Ghost of the Nuremberg–Tokyo Commutations'
By Gregory S. Gordon
AV: On ‘Radio Machete’ Founder Ferdinand Nahimana’s Early Release: The First Amendment, the Cold War, and the Ghost of America’s Nuremberg Commutation - 'Bend It Like Bentham: The Ambivalent ‘Civil Law’ vs. ‘Common Law’ Dichotomy Within International Criminal Adjudication'
By Alexander Heinze
AV: The Limited Descriptive Value of the Common-Civil Law Taxonomy and its Potential as a Weberian Ideal Type - 'The Poles of Power in the Field of International Criminal Justice'
By Mikkel Jarle Christensen
AV: Power, Position and Professionals in International Criminal Justice
Part 2: Representational Power in International Criminal Justice
- 'The Representational Power of International Criminal Courts'
By Joachim J. Savelsberg
AV: Representational Power in International Criminal Justice - 'The Anti-Impunity Mindset'
By Barrie Sander
AV: International Criminal Justice and the Symbolic Power of the Anti-Impunity Mindset - 'The Power of Affective Aesthetics in International Criminal Justice'
By Sarah-Jane Koulen
AV: Visuality, Power and Authority in International Criminal Justice - 'Transformative Power of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia'
By Marina Aksenova
AV: Symbolic Expression at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Part 3: State Power and Autonomy in International Criminal Justice
- 'International Law-Making on Terrorism: Structural and Other Powers of Resistance'
By David Baragwanath
AV: International-Law Making on Terrorism: Structural and Other Power of Resistance - 'Negotiating the Crime of Aggression: Between Legal Autonomy and State Power'
By Marieke de Hoon
AV: Diplomats as Legal Entrepreneurs - 'Judicial Governance Entities as Power-Holders in International Criminal Justice: A Plea for a Socio-Legal Enquiry'
By Sergey Vasiliev
AV: Judicial Governance Entities as Power-Holders: A Sociological Inquiry into States’ Involvement in International Criminal Justice - 'Is the European Union an Unexpected Guest at the International Criminal Court?'
By Jacopo Governa and Sara Paiusco
AV: Is the European Union an Unexpected Guest at the ICC? - 'Rebels, the Vanquished, Rogue States and Scapegoats in the Crosshairs: Hegemony in International Criminal Justice'
By Mark Klamberg
AV: Rebels, Rogue States and Scapegoats in the Crosshairs: Hegemony in International Criminal Justice
Part 4: Non-state Power and External Agents in International Criminal Justice
- 'Development and National Prosecutions: Addressing Power and Exclusion for Sustainable Peace and Development'
By Djordje Djordjević and Christopher B. Mahony
AV: Partnering on Domestic Prosecutions of Core International Crimes through Development Platforms - 'The Power of Narratives: The African Union’s Bid to Develop an Alternative International Criminal Law Narrative'
By Jacob Sprang, Benjamin Adesire Mugisho, Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto and Helena Anne Anolak
AV: The Power of Narratives: The African Union’s Bid to Develop an Alternative Peace over Justice Narrative - 'Agency, Authority, and Autonomy: The Role and Impact of Interactions with Transnational Civil Society on the International Criminal Court’s Operations'
By Mayesha Alam
AV: Agency, Autonomy, and Authority: The Role and Impact of Interactions with International NGOs on the ICC’s Operations - 'International Criminal Justice and the Empowerment or Disempowerment of Victims'
By Chris Tenove
AV: The Agency of Victims: Empowerment and Disempowerment by the ICC - 'Capture, Tweet, Repeat: Social Media and Power in International Criminal Justice'
By Emma Irving and Jolana Makraiová
AV: Capture, Tweet, Repeat: Communication Technology and the Democratisation of International Criminal Justice - 'The Role of the International Criminal Court System in Modulating Political Behaviour in Africa: The Nigerian Example'
By Tosin Osasona