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Claus Kreß, CILRAP Conversations

Speaker: Professor Claus Kreß (University of Cologne)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘international legal order’, and its difference with ‘world order’; international criminal law as the ius puniendi of the civitas maxima; the hegemonic objection to the idea of an ‘international community’; expressivism as the primary function of international criminal law; victim participation and national reconciliation as a collateral function; the significance of the crime of aggression under the ICC Statute; the ‘humanitarian intervention’ exception to use of force; states’ ‘responsibility to protect’ and making Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter more effective; restrictions on exercising veto in the Security Council; the role of the General Assembly; the United Nations’ armed contingents; a European Union defence force; the role of emerging powers like China and India in the evolution of the international legal order; and a European responsibility to reducing asymmetries in international law.
Date of recording: 12 June 2019
Place of recording: Florence 
Duration of recording: 2:40:26
PURL of film: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190612-kress/
PURL of related occasional paper: https://www.toaep.org/ops-pdf/13-kress/
PURL of Singh Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170823-singh/


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