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CILRAP Scholarships

CILRAP provides select scholarships on international law topics which it defines and considers important, focusing on countries or language domains with particular potential to contribute further to global academic and policy discourses. The topics identified will normally be linked to CILRAP’s research agenda and publication interest. CILRAP Scholarships currently offered or already presented are listed below.

1st CILRAP Scholarship for International Law (China)

This 1st CILRAP Scholarship for International Law (China) – open to all Chinese citizens residing in China – was on the topic is ‘What can China and Chinese actors do to strengthen the system of collective security based on the United Nations Charter, including by deterring the illegal use of armed force in violation of the Charter?’. Participants were encouraged to explore how China and Chinese actors can contribute to making the existing provisions on collective security in the UN Charter (in particular in its Chapter VII) more effective; or, if necessary, work to amend or supplement such provisions in the Charter. This included the regulation of both authorisation of collective security action under the Charter, and the implementation of such action. The joint winners were SHI Qing, LU Jing and FENG Yuxi. This Scholarship competition was organised together with China University of Political Science and Law (School of International Law), Fudan University Law School, Peking University Law School, Peking University International Law Institute, Renmin University Law School, Tsinghua University Law School, and Xiamen University Law School. The Scholarship was facilitated by a financial contribution to CILRAP by the Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin B. Ferencz, Professor Donald M. Ferencz, and their Planethood Foundation.

1st CILRAP Scholarship for International Law (India)

This 1st CILRAP Scholarship for International Law (India) – open to all Indian citizens residing in India – was on the topic ‘What can India and Indian actors do to strengthen the system of collective security based on the United Nations Charter, including by deterring the illegal use of armed force in violation of the Charter?’. Participants were encouraged to explore how India and Indian actors can contribute to making the existing provisions on collective security in the UN Charter (in particular in its Chapter VII) more effective; or, if necessary, work to amend or supplement such provisions in the Charter. This included regulation of both authorisation of collective security action under the Charter, and the implementation of such action. The joint winners were Varadharajan Udayachandran, Harshit Rai and Shradda Dubey, and Gautam Kumar Pandey. This Scholarship competition was organised together with the Indian Society of International Law, Jindal Global University Law School, and Delhi University Campus Law Centre. The competition was facilitated by a financial contribution to CILRAP by the Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin B. Ferencz, Professor Donald M. Ferencz, and their Planethood Foundation.

2016 PKU-CILRAP Scholarship in International Criminal Law

This Scholarship was awarded for the best examination paper on the topic ‘Which crimes, if any, should be added to the ICC Statute?’ in the international criminal law course taught by Professor Morten Bergsmo at Peking University Law School during Autumn 2016. The winner was Ms. FU Shucheng.

2016 PKU-CILRAP Scholarship in International Human Rights Law

This Scholarship was awarded for the best examination paper on the topic ‘The justifications for human rights from a Chinese perspective’ in the international human rights law course taught by Professor Morten Bergsmo at Peking University Law School during Spring 2016. The winner was Ms. WU Ning.

2015 PKU-CILRAP Scholarship in International Criminal Law

This Scholarship was awarded for the best examination paper on the topic ‘What can China do to develop international criminal law and justice further?’ in the international criminal law course taught by Professor Morten Bergsmo at Peking University Law School during Fall 2015. The winner was Mr. YANG Ken from Beijing, China, at the time an LL.M. student of international law at the School, also enrolled in the Human Rights Master Programme of the Research Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law of the Peking University Law School and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law of Lund University, Sweden. He completed his LL.B programme at Peking University Law School and has been a member of the School’s Jessup Moot Court team.

2015 PKU-CILRAP Scholarship in International Human Rights Law

This Scholarship was awarded for the best examination paper on the topic ‘The role of international human rights law in the professionalization of public administration.’ in the international human rights law course taught by Professor Morten Bergsmo at Peking University Law School during Spring 2015. The winner was Mr. SUN Yi from Anhui, China, at the time an LL.M. student of Constitutional and Administrative Law at the Law School. He graduated from Renmin University of China Law School in 2014, with LL.B. and B.B.A. degrees. He was a participant of the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition in Oxford and also a study visitor at the European Court of Human Rights, clerking for the then judge from Austria.

2014 PKU-CILRAP Scholarship in International Criminal Law

This Scholarship was offered to the best student in the English-language course ‘International Criminal Law’ taught at Peking University Law School in the autumn semester of 2014, with the Scholarship topic “The role of international criminal law in the global legal order”. The winner was Mr. CHAO Yi from Beijing, China, at the time an LL.M. student of international law at the School, also enrolled in the Human Rights Master Programme cooperated by the Research Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law of the Peking University Law School and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law of Lund University, Sweden. Having graduated from the LL.B. programme of Peking University Law School with honours, he has served as editor for Peking University International and Comparative Law Review and research assistant for Peking University Institute of International Law and Peking University Ocean Strategy Research Center.

2014 JGU-CILRAP Scholarship in International Criminal Law (Autumn)

This Scholarship was offered to the best student in the course ‘International Criminal Law’ taught at O.P. Jindal Global University Law School in the autumn semester of 2014, Mr. Samhith Malladi, for his course performance and examination paper on “How can the International Criminal Court perform better?”. When receiving the Scholarship, Mr. Malladi was a fourth year law student at Jindal Global Law School. As a keen student of public international law, he has participated in the Stetsons International Environmental Law Moot Court Competition and the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.

2014-2015 Fudan-CILRAP Scholarship in International Criminal Law

This Scholarship was offered to the best student in the course ‘International Criminal Law’ taught at Fudan University Law School in the autumn semester of 2014, with the Scholarship topic “Which aspects, if any, of the law, procedure and practice of the International Criminal Court are most relevant for national criminal jurisdictions?”. Ms. LOU Yang from Shanghai, China, won the Scholarship. At the time, she was studying for her bachelor degree in law at Fudan University Law School and was deputy chief editor of the student journal at the School named "Institutions".

2014 JGU-CILRAP Scholarship in International Criminal Law (Spring)

This Scholarship was awarded to Ms. Shama Banoo Hussain Abbasi from Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh, India, who was the top student in the course “International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice” at O.P. Jindal Global University Law School in the spring semester of 2014. She was granted the Scholarship at the time she was starting her fifth and final year of her B.A.LL.B (Hons.) programme at the School. In the first years, she was on the Dean’s list and among the top five students. She was part of the Henry Dunant Moot Court Competition Team 2013, and has interned for the Delhi office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (Arusha Branch).


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