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Historical Origins of
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CILRAP Endowment

The CILRAP Endowment can receive contributions from individuals, organisations, corporations and public entities. Questions concerning possible contributions may be addressed to CILRAP (at [email protected]) or its Director Morten Bergsmo ([email protected]). Several jurisdictions allow individuals to make tax-deductible donations.

Among the individuals who have previously made donations to CILRAP are the late Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni, the Nuremberg Tribunal Prosecutor Benjamin B. Ferencz and his son Professor Donald Ferencz.

CILRAP is incorporated in Brussels, Belgium, as a non-profit organisation. It complies with Belgian financial and reporting obligations. It uses BDO and KPMG for book-keeping and auditing.

Contributions can be made to:

Centre for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP)
100 Avenue des Saisons
1050 Brussels
IBAN: BE43001608463801


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M.C. Bassiouni Justice Award

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