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مارك كلامبرغ

مارك كلامبرغ زميل باحث في مركز بحوث ودراسات القانون الدولي وأستاذ في القانون الدولي العام في جامعة ستوكهولم، حيث يشغل منصب مدير الدورة العامة في القانون الدولي العام والدورة المتقدمة في القانون الجنائي الدولي. وهو نائب مدير مركز ستوكهولم للقانون الدولي والعدالة، وعضو مجلس إدارة الفرع السويدي للرابطة الدولية للدراسات الدولية ومحاضر غير متفرغ في جامعة إدنبرة.

وقد كان أستاذا مشاركا في جامعة أوبسالا (2013-2015)، وزميلاً باحثاً في جامعة أكسفورد، ومعهد القانون الأوروبي والمقارن (2018-2019)، وعضوا في الغرفة المشتركة العليا بكنيسة المسيح. وقد عمل سابقا في محكمة جزئية (بليكينغ تينغسرات) وفي المحكمة الجنائية الدولية في لاهاي.

وحصل البروفيسور كلامبرغ على شهادة في الترشح في مجال القانون في جامعة لوند، ودرجة الماجستير في القانون في معهد راؤول والنبرغ، ودرجة الماجستير في جامعة ستوكهولم. كما أنه حاصل على درجة البكالوريوس في العلوم السياسية من جامعة ستوكهولم.

وتتراوح اهتمامات البروفيسور كلامبرغ البحثية بين المسائل العامة في القانون الدولي والقانون الجنائي الدولي والمراقبة والخصوصية، علاوة على عن مناطق التماس بين القانون والعلوم السياسية والعلاقات الدولية.

بعض مؤلفات مارك كلامبرغ:

“Bevisvärdering”, in Morten Bergsmo (editor), Internasjonal strafferett, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2021 (forthcoming).

“Emergency Powers in Response to COVID-19: Policy Diffusion, Democracy, and Preparedness”, in Nordic Journal of Human Rights (2021) (forthcoming) (co-authored with Magnus Lundgren, Karin Sundström and Julia Dahlqvist).

“International Human Rights Law and States of Emergency”, in Damien Rogers (editor), International Human Rights in War, Springer, Singapore, 2021.

“Reconstructing the Notion of State of Emergency”, in George Washington International Law Review (2021), 52 (1), pp. 53-97.

“Skydd enligt Europakonventionen om mänskliga rättigheter; Skydd enligt Europeiska Unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna; Personuppgiftsbehandling inom brottsbekämpning och försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet”, in Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg (editor), Rättsinformatik: juridiken i det digitala informationssamhället, Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2021, Fourth Edition, pp. 184-191, 242-268.

Sverige och folkrätten, Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm, 2020, Sixth Edition (co-authored with Ove Bring, Said Mahmoudi and Pål Wrange).

Rebels, the Vanquished, Rogue States and Scapegoats in the Crosshairs: Hegemony in International Criminal Justice”, in Morten Bergsmo, Mark Klamberg, Kjersti Lohne and Christopher B. Mahony (editors), Power in International Criminal Justice, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020, pp. 623-646.

Power in International Criminal Justice, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020 (co-editor with Morten Bergsmo, Kjersti Lohne and Christopher B. Mahony).

“Evidentiary Matters in the Context of Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes in Sweden: Admissibility, Digital Evidence and Judicial Notice”, in Scandinavian Studies in Law (2020), 66, 2020, pp. 367-383.

“Swedish Case Law on the Contextual Elements Relating to War Crimes”, in Scandinavian Studies in Law (2020), 66, pp. 217-244 (co-author with Anna Andersson).

“The Evolution of Swedish Legislation on International Crimes”, in Scandinavian Studies in Law (2020), 66, pp. 205-215.

“Jurisdiction and Immunities in Sweden When Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes”, in Scandinavian Studies in Law (2020), 66, pp. 51-76 (co-author with Dennis Martinsson).

“Trials in Sweden, Participants in the Proceedings and other Actors”, in Scandinavian Studies in Law (2020), 66, pp. 27-39.

“Foreword”, in Scandinavian Studies in Law (2020), 66.

Lagföring av internationella brott i Sverige, Jure, Stockholm, 2020 (editor).

“Epistemological Controversies in International Criminal Justice”, in Kevin Heller, Frédéric Mégret, Sarah Nouwen, Jens Ohlin and Darryl Robinson (editors), The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020, pp. 450-472.

“Raphaël Lemkin in Stockholm – Significance for his Work on “Axis Rule in Occupied Europe””, in Genocide Studies and Prevention (2019), 13(1), pp. 64-87.

“Evolution of Rules and Concepts in International Humanitarian Law: Navigating through Legal Gaps and Fault-lines”, in Mats Deland, Mark Klamberg and Pål Wrange (editors), International Humanitarian Law and Justice: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, Routledge, New York, 2018, pp. 79-84.

“Lemkin on Vandalism and the Protection of Cultural Works during Armed Conflict”, in Mats Deland, Mark Klamberg and Pål Wrange (editors), International Humanitarian Law and Justice: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, Routledge, New York, 2018, pp. 183-196.

“Introduction”, in Mats Deland, Mark Klamberg and Pål Wrange (editors), International Humanitarian Law and Justice: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, Routledge, New York, 2018, pp. 1-6 (co-authored with Mats Deland and Pål Wrange).

International Humanitarian Law and Justice: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, Routledge, New York, 2018 (co-editor with Mats Deland and Pål Wrange).

“The Legality of Rebel Courts During Non-international Armed Conflict”, in Journal of International Criminal Justice (2018), 16(1), pp. 639-733.

“The Gatekeeper of the ICC - Prosecutorial Strategies for Selecting Situations and Cases at the International Criminal Court”, in Georgetown Journal of International Law (2017), 48(5) (co-author with Lovisa Bådagård).

“Legal Indeterminacy in the Modern Battlefield: Exploiting Thresholds, Fault-Lines and Gaps”, in Jens David Ohlin (editor), Research Handbook on Remote Warfare, Edward Elgar Press, Cheltenham, 2017.

Commentary on the Law of the ICC, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2017 (editor).

“Överföring av personuppgifter till tredje land: Safe Harbor”, in Juridisk Tidskrift (2016), 2015-16(4), pp. 782-797.

“Recension av Ulf Lundqvist, Laga och rättvis rättegång – Om bevisförbud i rättspraxis”, in Juridisk Tidskrift (2016), 2015-16(4), pp. 986-991.

Power and Law in the International Society - International Relations as the Sociology of International Law, Routledge, New York, 2015.

“The Alternative Hypothesis Method, Robustness and International Criminal Justice”, in Journal of International Criminal Justice (2015), 13(3), pp. 535-553.

“Recharacterization of Charges in International Criminal Trials”, in Katrin Lainpelto and Simon Andersson (editors), Festskrift till Christian Diesen, Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm, 2014, pp. 327-345.

“International Law in the Age of Asymmetrical Warfare, Virtual Cockpits and Autonomous Robots”,in Jonas Ebbesson, Marie Jacobsson, Mark Klamberg, David Langlet and Pål Wrange (editors), International Law and Changing Perceptions of Security: Liber Amicorum Said Mahmoudi, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2014, pp. 152-170.

International Law and Changing Perceptions of Security: Liber Amicorum Said Mahmoudi, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2014 (co-editor with Jonas Ebbesson, Marie Jacobsson, David Langlet and Pål Wrange).

“General Requirements for the Admission of Evidence”,in Håkan Friman, Suzannah Linton, Göran Sluiter, Sergey Vasiliev and Salvatore Zappalà (editors), International Criminal Procedure: Principles and Rules, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, pp. 1017-1043.

“Prosecution Access to the Defence Material”,in Håkan Friman, Suzannah Linton, Göran Sluiter, Sergey Vasiliev and Salvatore Zappalà (editors), International Criminal Procedure: Principles and Rules, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, pp. 1099-1107.

Evidence in International Criminal Trials: Confronting Legal Gaps and the Reconstruction of Disputed Events, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2013.

“Article 64 Functions and powers of the Trial Chamber”, in Paul De Hert, Jean Flamme and Olivia Struyven, Code of International Criminal Law and Procedure, annotated, Larcier Wetboeken, Brussels, 2013, pp. 280-283.

“Changing regulation strategies and the teaching-learning environment of the law programme at Stockholm University”, in Juridisk Tidskrift (2014), 2013-14(1), pp. 205-217.

“A Paradigm Shift in Swedish Electronic Surveillance Law”,in Christina Akrivopoulou and Nicolaos Garipidis (editors), Digital Democracy and the Impact of Technology on Governance and Politics: New Globalized Practices, IGI Global, Hershey, 2013.

Sedelmayer v Russian Federation”, in André Nollkaemper and Erika de Wet (editors), Oxford Reports on International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.

Bostadsrättsföreningen Villagatan 13 v Belgium”, in André Nollkaemper and Erika de Wet (editors), Oxford Reports on International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.

“Unification or Fragmentation? Structural Tendencies in International Criminal Procedure”, in Larissa van den Herik and Carsten Stahn (editors), The Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2012, pp. 593-631.

“Gränsdragningsproblem mellan utlänningslagen och svensk straffrätt beträffande internationella brott”, in Juridisk Tidskrift (2013), 2012-13(2).

The Chilling Effect of Counter-Terrorism Measures: A Comparative Analysis of Electronic Surveillance Laws in Europe and the USA, Liber Amicorum to Sir Nicolas Bratza, Wolf Legal Publishers, Oisterwijk, 2012, pp. 463-481 (co-authored with Elisabeth Fura).

Evidence in International Criminal Procedure - Confronting Legal Gaps and the Reconstruction of Disputed Events, Juridiska Institutionen, Stockolms Universitet, Stockholm, 2012.

Utomrättslig avrättning eller legitim krigföring?”,in Internationella studier (2012), 4(1), pp. 49-51.

Folkmordsbegreppet och Operation Anfal, in Forum för Levande Historia (2012).

The Concept of Genocide and the Anfal Campaign, in Forum för Levande Historia (2012).

“What are the Objectives of International Criminal Procedure?”, in Nordic Journal of International Law (2010), 79(2), pp. 279-302.

“Crimes Against Humanity in Western Sahara: The Case Against Morocco”, in Juridisk Publikation (2010), no. 2, pp. 175-199.

Capri Marine Limited v Prosecutor General”, in André Nollkaemper and Erika de Wet (editors), Oxford Reports on International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009.

“FRA and the European Convention on Human Rights - A Paradigm Shift in Swedish Electronic Surveillance Law”, in Nordisk Årsbok i Rättsinformatik (2009), pp. 96-134.

“FRA:s signalspaning ur ett rättsligt perspektiv”, in Svensk Juristtidning (2009), 4(1), pp. 519-541.

“International Criminal Law in Swedish Courts: The Principle of Legality in the Arklöv Case”, in International Criminal Law Review (2009), 9(2), pp. 395-409.

Public Prosecutor (on behalf of Behram (Hussein) and others) v Arklöf (Jackie)”, in André Nollkaemper and Erika de Wet (editors), Oxford Reports on International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.

“Fråga om tillämpning av legalitetsprincipen beträffande folkrättsbrott”, in Juridisk Tidskrift (2008), 2007-08(1), pp. 130-139.

“Irak – mellan kaos och normalisering”, in Nationalencyklopedins årsbok 2004, Malmö, 2005, pp. 260-263.

“Det nya Irak”, in Nationalencyklopedins årsbok 2003, Malmö, 2004, pp. 259-261.


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