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منتدى مناقشات المركز عن النظام العالمي

منتدى مناقشات مركز بحوث ودراسات القانون الدولي عن النظام العالمي هي سلسلة من المحادثات الصوتية المرئية مع كبار القانونيين والمفكرين الدوليين من جميع أنحاء العالم. ويعرض الجدول أدناه لمحة عامة عن المناقشات وطريقة استخدامها دون مقابل (مع إمكانية إظهار مزيد من المعلومات بالنقر على السهم على اليسار). وينتج المركز المناقشات بشكل مستقل ويحتفظ بجميع حقوق تلك المواد. ويمكن للمستخدمين أن يربطوا بسهولة المحتوى الذي ينشئونه بتلك المحادثات باستخدام عنوان كل مقطع مرئي على موقع المركز. علما بأن العناوين الإلكترونية تلك ثابتة (لا تخضع للتغيير)، ولذلك، يمكنك استخدامها بأمان في اقتباساتكم.

Date Name Place Play
250214 Ivo Josipović Florence Play

Speaker: Professor Ivo Josipović (former President of Croatia).
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on national implementing legislation pertaining to international criminal law and justice; the Constitutional Act on Cooperation of the Republic of Croatia with the International Criminal Tribunal; the co-operation regimes of the ICC and the ICTY; achievements and challenges in Croatian war crimes justice; co-operation between war crimes justice programmes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia; whether the Dayton Accords rewarded atrocities committed by persons acting for ‘Republika Srpska’ between 1992 and 1995; the prudence of criminalising genocide denial in Bosnia and Herzegovina; his 2009-2010 presidential campaign theme ‘Nova pravednost’; his motivation for pursuing music and composition alongside law and politics; insights on music, politics and law; and the contributions by international criminal law and other factors to world order.
Date of recording: 14 February 2025
Place of recording: CILRAP Bottega, Florence
Date of release: 22 February 2025
Duration of recording: 01:27:26
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/250214-josipovic/
PURL of Prof. Bekou Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/180608-bekou/ 
PURL of Dr. Ramcharan’s Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240217-ramcharan/ 
PURL of expert meeting 250214: https://www.cilrap.org/events/250214-mediation/

241202 Sergio Dellavalle Florence Play

Speaker: Professor Sergio Dellavalle (Professor of Public Law and State Theory at the University of Turin, Department of Law; Honorary Fellow of the Law School of Durham University; and Senior Research Affiliate of the Max Planck Institute of Comparative Public Law and International Law).
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘cosmopolitan law’, its origins and evolution; the idea of ‘paradigms of social order’; Stoic philosophers and their notion of cosmópolis; relationship with the Catholic idea of the respublica christiana; Immanuel Kant's and Hans Kelsen’s contributions; the perspective of the communicative paradigm of order; implications for the concept of sovereignty and the relation between national and international criminal law.
Date of recording: 26 September 2024
Place of recording: CILRAP Bottega, Florence
Date of release: 2 December 2024
Duration of recording: 01:23:50
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240926-dellavalle/
PURL of TOAEP policy brief by speaker: https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/159-dellavalle/ 
PURL of TOAEP occasional paper by speaker: http://www.toaep.org/ops-pdf/16-dellavalle/ 
PURL of relevant TOAEP book: https://www.toaep.org/ps-pdf/36-bergsmo-buis-song/
PURL of related Kreß Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190612-kress/
PURL of related Fife Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/180605-fife/
PURL of related Kress OPS No. 8 (2019): https://www.toaep.org/ops-pdf/8-kress/

240412 Benjamin P. Davis Florence Play

Speaker: Dr. Benjamin P. Davis (Saint Louis University)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on his 2023 monograph Choose Your Bearing: Édouard Glissant, Human Rights and Decolonial Ethics; whether emphasising 'European colonialism' as opposed to slave-economies and settler-societies is problematic; Glissant's idea of a 'right to opacity'; advantages and risks of dwelling on 'colonial wrongs'; international law and post-colonial discourse
Date of recording: 12 April 2024
Place of recording: CILRAP Bottega, Florence
Duration of recording: 01:23:25
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240412-davis/
PURL of relevant TOAEP book: https://www.toaep.org/ps-pdf/40-bergsmo-kaleck-kyaw/ 
PURL of relevant TOAEP policy brief: https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/140-castellino/ 
PURL of related Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240217-ramcharan/ 
URL of JPR note on Davis' Choose Your Bearing: https://www.prio.org/journals/jpr/booknotes/393 

240217 Bertrand Ramcharan Florence Play

Speaker: Dr. Bertrand Ramcharan (formerly acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Director of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on the UN human rights programme, Torkel Opsahl, Samuel Moyn, UN peace mediation through ICFY, Srebrenica, Thorvald Stoltenberg, the International Law Commission, UK mass-migration of indentured workers, and the use of historical commissions
Date of recording: 17 February 2024
Place of recording: CILRAP Bottega, Florence
Duration of recording: 02:05:00
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240217-ramcharan/
PURL of Amb. Nylander's Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/220427-nylander/ 
PURL of Amb. Vibe's Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240216-vibe/

240216 Johan Vibe Florence Play

Speaker: Ambassador Johan Vibe (Norwegian Ambassador to Italy)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on diplomacy, peace mediation and facilitation, and the role of lawyers
Date of recording: 16 February 2024
Place of recording: CILRAP Bottega, Florence
Duration of recording: 00:43:09
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240216-vibe/
PURL of Amb. Nylander's Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/220427-nylander/ 
PURL of Dr. Ramcharan's Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240217-ramcharan/

221003 Sarah M.H. Nouwen Florence Play

Speaker: Professor Sarah M.H. Nouwen (European University Institute)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘positive complementarity’, its political and legal aspects and normative and practical significance; the politics of extraversion; positive complementarity as a policy beyond the ICC Statute; states as beneficiaries and participants; the assumption of Western and international justice superiority; the ILA Report on positive complementarity; the different meanings of ‘complementarity’, ‘positive complementarity’, and ‘a positive approach to complementarity’; obstacles in implementation; conflicts of interests between international and national mechanisms; and the paradox of the ICC’s implementation of positive complementarity.
Date of recording: 3 October 2022
Place of recording: CILRAP Bottega, Florence
Duration of recording: 01:09:06
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/221003-nouwen/
PURL of ILA report: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/vqvrwy/ 
PURL of ILA resolution: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/cfwjzm/
PURL of related book on ‘positive complementarity’: https://www.toaep.org/ps-pdf/8-bergsmo
PURL of relevant policy brief: https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/114-bergsmo/
PURL of related Bekou Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/180608-bekou
PURL of related Nylander Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/220427-nylander

220427 Dag Halvor Nylander Oslo Play

Speaker: Ambassador Dag Halvor Nylander (Director, Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution (NOREF))
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘peace mediation’; the importance of negotiations being party-driven; realism as an essential characteristic of mediators; the need to reward country specialisation among mediators; the non-durability of peace without justice; the Colombia-FARC peace negotiation process and the work of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace; co-operation between lawyers and peace mediators; inequality of arms between parties and the need for capacity building; foreign experts as catalysts; how social media and misinformation influence party behaviour.
Date of recording: 27 April 2022
Place of recording: Oslo
Duration of recording: 00:27:33
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/220427-nylander/
PURL of Dr. Ramcharan's Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240217-ramcharan/ 
PURL of Amb. Vibe's Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240216-vibe/
PURL of related book on law in peace negotiations: https://www.toaep.org/ps-pdf/5-bergsmo-kalmanovitz-second
PURL of related policy brief by Bergsmo: https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/149-bergsmo/
PURL of related expert meeting: https://www.cilrap.org/events/240216-mediation

210616 Roberto Bellelli Florence Play

Speaker: Judge Roberto Bellelli (President, Military Tribunal for Sentence Enforcement, Rome)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘international criminal justice institutions’; state supervision and management of such institutions; politics of securing state budgets; the potential role of national prosecutors and judges in nominating international judges and high officials; the concept of a ‘world order’; legality as a driving factor in state policy decisions; ICL as a weapon in state rivalries; political sovereignty; role of national actors in international accountability; lessons from national jurisdictions on preservation of evidence and dealing with old evidence; military justice systems; need for professionalism in international criminal justice; and the mid- and long-term prospects.
Date of recording: 16 June 2021
Place of recording: CILRAP Bottega, Florence
Duration of recording: 01:42:32
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/210616-bellelli/
PURL of related Nouwen Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/221003-nouwen
PURL of policy brief on ICC State-Party governance: https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/146-governance/

200802 Gregory S. Gordon Florence Play

Speaker: Professor Gregory S. Gordon (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on experiences as a legal educator in Hong Kong; lessons for international law from Covid-19; Foucault’s ‘governmentality’ and international criminal law as population security from social pandemics; atrocity speech law; hate speech as a precursor to mass atrocity; and the role of different actors in combating hate speech.
Date of recording: 2 August 2020
Place of recording: CILRAP Bottega, Florence
Duration of recording: 01:37:16
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/200802-gordon/
PURL of related book: https://www.toaep.org/ps-pdf/41-bergsmo-manocha/
PURL of related policy brief: https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/149-bergsmo/
PURL of Gordon lecture: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/180512-gordon/

190612 Claus Kreß Florence Play

Speaker: Professor Claus Kreß (University of Cologne)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘international legal order’, and its difference with ‘world order’; international criminal law as the ius puniendi of the civitas maxima; the hegemonic objection to the idea of an ‘international community’; expressivism as the primary function of international criminal law; victim participation and national reconciliation as a collateral function; the significance of the crime of aggression under the ICC Statute; the ‘humanitarian intervention’ exception to use of force; states’ ‘responsibility to protect’ and making Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter more effective; restrictions on exercising veto in the Security Council; the role of the General Assembly; the United Nations’ armed contingents; a European Union defence force; the role of emerging powers like China and India in the evolution of the international legal order; and a European responsibility to reducing asymmetries in international law.
Date of recording: 12 June 2019
Place of recording: Florence 
Duration of recording: 2:40:26
PURL of film: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190612-kress/
PURL of related occasional paper: https://www.toaep.org/ops-pdf/13-kress/
PURL of Singh Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170823-singh/

190221 David Re New Delhi Play

Speaker: Judge David Re (Special Tribunal for Lebanon)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘international and national criminal justice systems’; main contributions of international criminal justice; differences between the Nuremberg and contemporary justice processes; possibilities for improvement; differences between national and international justice institutions and bureaucracies; the leading role of national or hybrid criminal justice systems; judgment-writing practices; the role of the prosecution and defence in distilling evidence; the importance of cataloguing evidence; and interdisciplinary approaches to reviewing evidence.
Date of recording: 21 February 2019
Place of recording: New Delhi 
Duration of recording: 58:53
PURL of film: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-re/
PURL of Judge Baragwanath Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-baragwanath/
PURL of Judge Lokur Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-lokur/

190221 Gilbert Bitti New Delhi Play

Speaker: Justice Gilbert Bitti (Judge, Kosovo Specialist Chambers; at the time of recording, he was Senior Legal Adviser, ICC Pre-Trial Division (speaking in his personal capacity))
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on victim participation in international criminal justice, and why it is important; inadequacies of victim outreach; risk of exploitation by other actors in the justice process; managing victim expectations; the need, processes and risks of reparations in international criminal justice; the interplay of differences between civil and criminal law at trial; the successes and the failures of the International Criminal Court; reforms in the election and appointment of the highest officials of the Court; and issues arising from a lack of streamlining of charges presented before the Court.
Date of recording: 21 February 2019
Place of recording: New Delhi 
Duration of recording: 42:45
PURL of film: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-bitti/ 
PURL of Judge Greve Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170429-greve/
PURL of Judge Perrin de Brichambaut Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170520-perrin-de-brichambaut/
PURL of Judge Baragwanath Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-baragwanath/
PURL of Judge Lokur Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-lokur/
PURL of Judge Bitti Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-bitti/
PURL of Judge Bellelli Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/210616-bellelli/

190221 Casten Stahn New Delhi Play

Speaker: Professor Carsten Stahn (Leiden University)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘inclusivity in the global order’; critical perspectives on ‘internationalism’ and ‘cosmopolitanism’; transnational legal processes as backstops for international law; lessons from cultural plurality and relativism; the powerful-weak state dichotomy; contributions of international criminal law to ‘world order’; the state of European capacity engagement with non-Western states; the role of intellectuals in broadening ownership in developing international law; Indian contributions to international criminal justice; and methods to increase inclusivity in the development of international criminal law.
Date of recording: 21 February 2019
Place of recording: New Delhi 
Duration of recording: 38:41
PURL of film: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-stahn/ 
PURL of related policy brief: https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/131-stahn/
PURL of Kreß Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190612-kress/

190221 Madan B. Lokur New Delhi Play

Speaker: Justice Madan B. Lokur (former Judge, Supreme Court of India)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on the contributions of a judge in the justice delivery system; the morality of ‘deserving’ justice; the Indian Supreme Court’s integration of ‘human dignity’ with human rights; access to justice as meaningful awareness of one’s rights; the potential of information technology to further access to justice; co-ordination between the judiciary, legislature, and executive in the positive implementation of the law; lessons from public interest litigation in India; the contributions of civil society organisations in the development of human rights jurisprudence in India; and the need for the greater participation of India in the common international legal order.
Date of recording: 21 February 2019
Place of recording: New Delhi 
Duration of recording: 57:41
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-lokur/ 
PURL of Judge Baragwanath Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-baragwanath/
PURL of Judge Greve Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170429-greve/
PURL of Judge Perrin de Brichambaut Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170520-perrin-de-brichambaut/
PURL of Judge Re Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-re/
PURL of Judge Bitti Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-bitti/
PURL of Judge Bellelli Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/210616-bellelli/

190221 Usha Tandon New Delhi Play

Speaker: Professor Usha Tandon (Professor-in-Charge (dean), Campus Law Centre, Delhi University)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on the ‘gendered aspects of human rights’; the teaching, academic and administrative hats of an educator; general legal education development in India; human rights discourse as a barrier to the rights of women; modern formulation of human rights and its impact on collective and women rights; gender disparity among legal professionals, academics, and judges in India; main challenges for the protection of women by law; and religion and tradition as relevant factors in furthering gender issues in India.
Date of recording: 21 February 2019
Place of recording: New Delhi 
Duration of recording: 01:20:38
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-tandon/ 
PURL of related Kaleck Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170408-kaleck/
PURL of related Gonsalves Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-gonsalves/
PURL of related Silk Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170617-silk/
PURL of related Davis Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240412-davis/

180608 Olympia Bekou Florence Play

Speaker: Professor Olympia Bekou (The University of Nottingham; CILRAP Research Fellow)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘state co-operation in international criminal justice’; the importance of state co-operation for the ICC and other international criminal jurisdictions; domestic legislation and the United Nations Security Council as facilitating state co-operation; the role of CILRAP-CMN in providing customised expertise in developing implementing legislations; synergies between the ICC Statute and implementing legislations; the issue of state withdrawal from the ICC Statute and the perception of an African bias; the value of legal databases, including the Cooperation and Judicial Assistance Database; and the role of the European Union in advancing international criminal justice.
Date of recording: 8 June 2018
Place of recording: Florence 
Duration of recording: 41:53
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/180608-bekou/
PURL of related Nouwen Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/221003-nouwen/
PURL of related Josipović Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/250214-josipovic/  

180605 Rolf Einar Fife Florence Play

Speaker: Ambassador Rolf Einar Fife (Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘international law-making’; the diversity of processes which influence the formulation of an international convention in the International Law Commission; how international law reacts with the domestic legal order of a state; international law as a common legal language; diplomatic considerations of an international lawyer; the power of precedent as enriching one’s manner and diversity of legal expression; problem solving, rather than doctrine, as a primary driver in international law-making; the ability to identify extra-legal consequences of legal rules as an essential skill in value creation; the inclusion of new fundamental legal goods or values in international law; emerging technologies, the evolution of existing rules and the development of new values; and the importance of being perceived as a neutral international actor.
Date of recording: 5 June 2018
Place of recording: Florence 
Duration of recording: 01:11:30
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/180605-fife/
PURL of related Kreß Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190612-kress/
PURL of related Perrin de Brichambaut Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170520-perrin-de-brichambaut/
PURL of related Singh Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170823-singh/

170824 William David Baragwanath New Delhi Play

Speaker: Sir William David Baragwanath (Judge and former President, Special Tribunal for Lebanon)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘Special Tribunal for Lebanon’; the jurisprudential tradition of the Arab society; the role of Lebanon in the Middle East and beyond; divisions in the Lebanese society as affecting how one views the Special Tribunal; the procedural and evidentiary blend between common law and civil law approaches before the STL; the STL’s contribution to addressing growing acts of terrorism globally; terrorism as an international crime; the creation of an international terrorism court by the United Nations Security Council; the need for a general convention on terrorism; and the tension between self-determination and the need for global governance on terrorism.
Date of recording: 24 August 2017
Place of recording: New Delhi 
Duration of recording: 01:01:20
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-baragwanath/
PURL of related Singh Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170823-singh/
PURL of Judge Re Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-re/
PURL of Judge Bellelli Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/210616-bellelli/
PURL of Judge Bitti Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-bitti/
PURL of Judge Lokur Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-lokur/
PURL of Judge Perrin de Brichambaut Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170520-perrin-de-brichambaut/
PURL of Judge Greve Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170429-greve/

170824 Colin Gonsalves New Delhi Play

Speaker: Colin Gonsalves (Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India; Founder, Human Rights Law Network)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘human rights litigation’; financial incapacity as the primary opposing argument to the full realization of socio-economic rights; legal remedies against corporate and other non-governmental actors; the work and policies of the World Bank in India and its criticisms; the prospect of transnational litigation, particularly against corporate malpractice and crimes; the experience of victims in human rights litigations; the justiciability of socio-economic human rights; the development of public interest jurisprudence of the Global South; and the entrepreneurial approach of the Indian judiciary towards enforcing human rights.
Date of recording: 24 August 2017
Place of recording: New Delhi 
Duration of recording: 57:50
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-gonsalves/
PURL of related Kaleck Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170408-kaleck/
PURL of related Silk Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170617-silk/
PURL of related Davis Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240412-davis/

170823 Narinder Singh New Delhi Play

Speaker: Ambassador Narinder Singh (formerly, Chair, International Law Commission; Legal Adviser, Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on the role of a legal adviser on international law to a state; differing models of state legal advisory in international law across Southeast-Asia; co-operation between similar offices across foreign ministries; the influence exercised by legal advisers and the state inter se; a general convention on terrorism, prospects and obstacles; national liberation movements as an exception to terrorism; India’s contribution towards the realization of a general convention on terrorism; prospects for individual initiative in the future of international law-making; an apparent trend of state preference for the formulation of principles over conventions; Justice Radha Binod Pal’s legacy; and state of international law research and education in India.
Date of recording: 23 August 2017
Place of recording: New Delhi 
Duration of recording: 44:58
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170823-singh/
PURL of related Perrin de Brichambaut Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170520-perrin-de-brichambaut/
PURL of related Fife Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/180605-fife/

170617 James Silk Florence Play

Speaker: Professor James Silk (Yale Law School)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘human rights clinics’ and their importance; the interplay between the motivations of students, law schools and donors of human rights clinics; the duality of co-operation between Global North and Global South law schools; the importance of social awareness and public service in clinic work; increasing intersectionality between national and international socio-political issues; human rights responses to climate change and job losses caused by the use of robotics and artificial intelligence; and internal critiques of human rights and human rights language.
Date of recording: 17 June 2017
Place of recording: Florence 
Duration of recording: 01:08:22
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170617-silk/
PURL of related Kaleck Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170408-kaleck/
PURL of related Gonsalves Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-gonsalves/
PURL of related Davis Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240412-davis/

170614 John Dugard The Hague Play

Speaker: Judge John Dugard (International Court of Justice)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘South African contributions to international law’; international law as both an academic and practical profession; the role of international human rights law in the termination of apartheid in South Africa; human rights as embedded in South African subconsciousness; the practice of South African courts in applying human rights; states’ refusal to co-operate following Al-Bashir’s arrest warrant and the ICC’s response; EU-AU co-operation and the development of an international legal order; and South African contributions to and later engagement with the 1973 Apartheid Convention.
Date of recording: 14 June 2017
Place of recording: Historical Reading Room, Peace Palace, The Hague
Duration of recording: 55:51
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170614-dugard/
PURL of Judge Bellelli Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/210616-bellelli/
PURL of Judge Bitti Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-bitti/
PURL of Judge Re Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-re/
PURL of Judge Lokur Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-lokur/
PURL of Judge Baragwanath Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-baragwanath/
PURL of Judge Perrin de Brichambaut Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170520-perrin-de-brichambaut/
PURL of Judge Greve Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170429-greve/

170527 Christopher B. Mahony Beijing Play

Speaker: Dr. Christopher B. Mahony (The World Bank; CILRAP Research Fellow)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘power in international justice’, and multilateralism; the prospect of autonomy in international criminal justice; main features of design in international criminal jurisdictions; whether international criminal justice should deal with the waging of war or the conduct of war; differing state interests during the negotiations of the Rome Statute; the role of non-governmental organizations in ensuring autonomy of the ICC during Rome Statute negotiations; the significance of the crime of aggression under the Rome Statute; and long-term potential for international criminal justice.
Date of recording: 27 May 2017
Place of recording: Beijing 
Duration of recording: 57:21
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170527-mahony/
PURL of related anthology: https://www.toaep.org/ps-pdf/28-power/
PURL of related virtual symposium: https://www.cilrap.org/power/
PURL of related PBS No. 135 (2022): https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/135-goel/

170520 Marc Perrin de Brichambaut Beijing Play

Speaker: Judge Marc Perrin de Brichambaut (International Criminal Court; formerly, Secretary-General, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on the ‘International Criminal Court’, and its evolving function; the realization of international enforcement of international legal norms through national (legislative) integration; victim reparations before the ICC; responsibility of states to progressive consolidate the good practice of the Court; potential for China-EU co-operation for further development of the international legal order; the phases and achievements of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe; the ideas of ‘European sovereignty’, a ‘European interest’, ‘world citizenship’; and the responsibility of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to uphold the rule of international law as opposed to the rule of power.
Date of recording: 20 May 2017
Place of recording: Peking University, Beijing  
Duration of recording: 50:05
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170520-perrin-de-brichambaut/
PURL of related Fife Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/180605-fife/
PURL of related Singh Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170823-singh/
PURL of Judge Bellelli Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/210616-bellelli/
PURL of Judge Bitti Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-bitti/
PURL of Judge Re Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-re/
PURL of Judge Lokur Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-lokur/
PURL of Judge Baragwanath Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-baragwanath/
PURL of Judge Greve Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170429-greve/

170429 Hanne Sophie Greve Nuremberg Play

Speaker: Judge Hanne Sophie Greve (Gulating Court of Appeal; formerly, European Court of Human Rights)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘integrity in international justice’; being a judge as a ‘service’ and what is served; limitations on serving as a judge; human worth and dignity as underlying human rights; integrity as a prerequisite for justice and the functioning of international justice institutions; the binding value of references to ‘integrity’ in the statutes of international courts; and Dag Hammarskjöld as a model of integrity in international justice.
Date of recording: 29 April 2017
Place of recording: Nuremberg, Palace of Justice, Courtroom 600 
Duration of recording: 30:25
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170429-greve/
PURL of related anthology: https://www.toaep.org/nas-pdf/4-bergsmo-dittrich/
PURL of virtual symposium on integrity: https://www.cilrap.org/integrity/
PURL of related PBS No. 93 (2018): https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/93-bergsmo/
PURL of related PBS No. 165 (2025): https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/165-jimenez/
PURL of Judge Lokur Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/190221-lokur/
PURL of Judge Baragwanath Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-baragwanath/

170408 Wolfgang Kaleck Florence Play

Speaker: Secretary-General Wolfgang Kaleck (European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘transnational human rights litigation’; the work of the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights; strategic litigation; domestic reception of foreign jurisprudence; the development of transnational legal solidarity; the roles and expertise of national and international legal actors in a transnational litigation; embedding legal work into broader socio-political crises; the idea of a just global society as a legal, social and political vision; metrics for measuring the relative success of international criminal justice; using law to decrease the concentration of economic and military power; and double standards in observing and propagating adherence to human rights.
Date of recording: 8 April 2017
Place of recording: Florence 
Duration of recording: 01:16:49
PURL of film: www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170408-kaleck/
PURL of related Gonsalves Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170824-gonsalves/
PURL of related Silk Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/170617-silk/
PURL of related Davis Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240412-davis/


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