Carsten Stahn, CILRAP Conversations
Speaker: Professor Carsten Stahn (Leiden University)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘inclusivity in the global order’; critical perspectives on ‘internationalism’ and ‘cosmopolitanism’; transnational legal processes as backstops for international law; lessons from cultural plurality and relativism; the powerful-weak state dichotomy; contributions of international criminal law to ‘world order’; the state of European capacity engagement with non-Western states; the role of intellectuals in broadening ownership in developing international law; Indian contributions to international criminal justice; and methods to increase inclusivity in the development of international criminal law.
Date of recording: 21 February 2019
Place of recording: New Delhi
Duration of recording: 38:41
PURL of film:
PURL of related policy brief:
PURL of Kreß Conversation: