Dag Halvor Nylander, CILRAP Conversations on World Order
Speaker: Ambassador Dag Halvor Nylander (Director, Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution (NOREF))
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘peace mediation’; the importance of negotiations being party-driven; realism as an essential characteristic of mediators; the need to reward country specialisation among mediators; the non-durability of peace without justice; the Colombia-FARC peace negotiation process and the work of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace; co-operation between lawyers and peace mediators; inequality of arms between parties and the need for capacity building; foreign experts as catalysts; how social media and misinformation influence party behaviour.
Date of recording: 27 April 2022
Place of recording: Oslo
Duration of recording: 00:27:33
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/220427-nylander/
PURL of Dr. Ramcharan's Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240217-ramcharan/
PURL of Amb. Vibe's Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/240216-vibe/
PURL of related book on law in peace negotiations: https://www.toaep.org/ps-pdf/5-bergsmo-kalmanovitz-second
PURL of related policy brief by Bergsmo: https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/149-bergsmo/
PURL of related expert meeting: https://www.cilrap.org/events/240216-mediation