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سونغ تيانينغ

سونغ تيانينغ هي باحثة حائزة على درجة زمالة مركز بحوث وسياسات القانون الدولي وعضو فريق قيادة التحالف من أجل العدالة الجنائية الدولية. وهي حاصلة على درجة الدكتوراة من معهد الجامعة الأوروبية (فلورنسا). وقد نالت أطروحة الدكتوراه التي أعدتها جائزة أنطونيو كاسيزي لأفضل أطروحة دكتوراة في القانون الدولي. وكانت قد حصلت على درجة الماجستير في القانون الدولي ودرجة البكالوريوس في القانون من جامعة الصين للعلوم السياسية والقانون (بيجين). وكانت سابقا مستشارة قانونية في بعثة اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر في شرق آسيا التي تتخذ من بيجين مقراً لها. وشاركت في تحرير العديد من الكتب حول القانون الجنائي الدولي ونشرت مقالات وفصولاً من كتب. وهي كذلك حصلة على جائزة محمود شريف بسيوني للعدالة لعام 2016 لكونها خبيرة قانونية بارزة شابة من شرق آسيا متخصصة في مجال القانون الجنائي الدولي والعدالة الجنائية الدولية.


بعض مؤلفات الدكتورة سونغ تيانينغ:

Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Legally-Protected Interests, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2022, 390 pp., ISBN 978-82-8348-121-1 (print) and 978-82-8348-122-8 (e-book) (co-edited with Morten Bergsmo and Emiliano J. Buis).

Protected Interests in International Criminal Law”, in Morten Bergsmo, Emiliano J. Buis and SONG Tianying (editors), Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Legally-Protected Interests, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2022, pp. 1-55 (co-authored with Morten Bergsmo and Emiliano J. Buis).

Military Self-Interest in Accountability for Core International Crimes, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2018, Second Edition, 504 pp., ISBN 978-82-93081-61-6 (print) and 978-82-93081-81-4 (e-book) (co-editor with Morten Bergsmo). The First Edition (2015) was reviewed by XUE Ru in Chinese Yearbook of International Law, 2015, pp. 474-490; by William J. Fenrick in International Review of the Red Cross, 1 June 2016, 4 pp.

Ensuring Accountability for Core International Crimes in Armed Forces: Obligations and Self-Interest”, in Morten Bergsmo and Song Tianying (editors), Military Self-Interest in Accountability for Core International Crimes, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2018, Second Edition, pp. 1-19 (with Morten Bergsmo) (in the First Edition, pp. 1-20).

Historic Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 5, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2017, 1,180 pp., ISBN 978-82-8348-106-8 (print) and 978-82-8348-107-5 (e-book) (co-editor with Morten Bergsmo and Klaus Rackwitz). Reviewed by Claire Magnoux in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2017, Vol. 15 (2017), No. 3, pp. 1-3; by William H. Wiley in Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 51 (2017), 171004; by Beth Van Schaack in American Journal of International Law, Vol. 112, No. 1, pp. 142-147.

The Principle of Complementarity in Practice”, Chapter 45 in Morten Bergsmo, Klaus Rackwitz and Song Tianying (editors), Historic Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 5, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2017, pp. 739-796 (co-authored with Morten Bergsmo).

“Article 79”, in Mark Klamberg (editor), Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal Court, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2017, pp. 601-604.

“The Geographical Scope of the Obligation to Prevent in ILC Draft Articles on Crimes Against Humanity”, in Chinese Review of International Law, Issue No. 2016 (3), pp. 89-101 (in Chinese).

“The Need for a Specialised Convention for Crimes Against Humanity and Potential Challenges”, in Chinese Yearbook of International Law, 2015, pp. 519-547 (in Chinese).

The Role of Internationalised Jurisdictions, National Jurisdictions and Other Actors in the Making of the History of International Criminal Law”, in Morten Bergsmo, Cheah Wui Ling, Song Tianying and Yi Ping (editors), “Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 4, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2015, pp. 1-12 (with Morten Bergsmo, Cheah Wui Ling, Yi Ping and Zhang Binxin). 

Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 4, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2015, 996 pp., ISBN 978-82-8348-017-7 (print) and 978-82-8348-016-0 (e-book) (co-editor with Morten Bergsmo, Cheah Wui Ling and YI Ping). Reviewed by WU Xiaodan in Chinese Yearbook of International Law, 2015, pp. 491-508; by Paula C. Scianca Luxen and Dalila B. Seoane in InDret (Revista para el analisis del derecho), 2/2017, pp. 1-5; by Zhu Wenqi in Asian Journal of International Law, Vol. 7 (2017), No. 2, pp. 379-388; by Beth Van Schaack in American Journal of International Law, Vol. 112, No. 1, pp. 142-147.

Doctrine and the Scope of the Historical Landscape of International Criminal Law”, in Morten Bergsmo, Cheah Wui Ling, Song Tianying and Yi Ping (editors), Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 3, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2015, pp. 1-12 (with Morten Bergsmo, Cheah Wui Ling, Yi Ping and Zhang Binxin). 

Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 3, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2015, 837 pp., ISBN 978-82-8348-015-3 (print) and 978-82-8348-014-6 (e-book) (co-editor with Morten Bergsmo, Cheah Wui Ling and YI Ping). Reviewed by WU Xiaodan in Chinese Yearbook of International Law, 2015, pp. 491-508; by Sebastián A. Green Martínez in InDret (Revista para el analisis del derecho), 1/2017, pp. 1-6; by Zhu Wenqi in Asian Journal of International Law, Vol. 7 (2017), No. 2, pp. 379-388; by Beth Van Schaack in American Journal of International Law, Vol. 112, No. 1, pp. 142-147.

On the Proposed Crimes Against Humanity Convention, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2014, 503 pp., ISBN 978-82-93081-96-8 (co-editor with Morten Bergsmo). Reviewed by William St-Michel in Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol. 13 (2015), pp. 897-898.

A Crimes Against Humanity Convention After the Establishment of the International Criminal Court”, in Morten Bergsmo and SONG Tianying (editors), On the Proposed Crimes Against Humanity Convention, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2014, pp. 1-16 (with Morten Bergsmo).


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