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FAN Yuwen

Dr. FAN Yuwen is a CILRAP Research Fellow and a Research Fellow within the Research Group ‘The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?’ based in Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her main research interests are in the cross-fertilization in international human rights bodies, and the functions and functioning of international courts and tribunals. She obtained her Ph.D. in international law from Peking University Law School with a thesis on the interpretation of human rights treaties. During her doctoral studies, she was a visiting Ph.D. student at University College London and a Visiting Scholar in the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at University of Cambridge. She has also worked as the Editor-in-Chief of Peking University International and Comparative Law Review. She received an LL.M. in international law from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and an LL.B. from China University of Political Science and Law. She has also participated in the Human Rights Master Program of Peking University Law School and Lund University Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.

Some publications of FAN Yuwen:

Fragmentation of International Law and Integration through Interpretation: A Case Study of European Court of Human Rights”, in Chinese Yearbook of International Law, 2016, pp. 426–452.

 “Revisiting ECtHR Interpretation of the ECHR: Living Up to a Living Instrument”, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, FICHL Policy Brief Series No. 65 (2016), ISBN 978-82-8348-044-3.

Quality Control and the Mandate of International Fact-Finding”, in Morten Bergsmo (editor), Quality Control and Fact-Finding, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Florence, 2013, pp. 153–166.


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