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巴里•桑德(Barrie Sander)现为国际法研究与政策中心的CILRAP研究学者,同时担任巴西Fundacao Getulio Vargas(FGV)的博士后研究人员。他以最优等成绩在日内瓦高级国际关系及发展研究院(IHEID)获得国际法博士学位,以优等成绩在莱顿大学获得国际公法硕士学位,并在剑桥大学耶稣学院获得艺术、文学和法律学士学位。

他是Just Innovate的联合创始人,该非政府组织(位于瑞士)的使命是激发和促进学生群体的社会创新。自2013年到2014年,他担任LawWithoutWalls的学术导师,这是一个有关法律和创业的全球教育计划。2010年至2012年期间,他获得英格兰与威尔士律师资格并在Herbert Smith LLP律师事务所(现为Herbert Smith Freehills LLP)执业,专攻国际公法和投资条约仲裁以及企业社会责任倡议。他于2010年在利比里亚担任卡特中心法律研究员,并担任利比里亚司法部关于监狱改革的法律顾问。 2009年至2010年期间,他担任非洲监狱项目的法律顾问,为乌干达坎帕拉Luzira监狱死囚区的囚犯提供帮助。他还拥有在各种国际机构工作的经验,例如前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭(ICTY)、常设仲裁法院(PCA)和欧盟驻纽约联合国代表团。他的研究兴趣包括国际刑法、人权与技术、以及全球网络安全规范。


The expressive turn of international criminal justice: A field in search of meaning”, in Leiden Journal of International Law (2019), 32(4), pp. 851-872.

The Sound of Silence: International Law and the Governance of Peacetime Cyber Operations”, in T. Minárik et al. (editors), “11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Silent Battle”, NATO CCD COE Publications, 2019, pp. 361-381.

Justifying International Criminal Punishment: A Critical Perspective”, in Morten Bergsmo and Emiliano J. Buis (editors), “Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law: Foundational Concepts”, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2019, pp. 167-240.

Democracy Under The Influence: Paradigms of State Responsibility for Cyber Influence Operations on Elections”, in Chinese Journal of International Law (2019), 18, pp. 1-56.

The Method is the Message: Law, Narrative Authority and Historical Contestation in International Criminal Courts”, in Melbourne Journal of International Law (2018), 19(1), pp. 299-334.

Unveiling the Historical Function of International Criminal Courts: Between Adjudicative and Sociopolitical Justice”, in International Journal of Transitional Justice (2018), 12(2), pp. 334-355.

Justice as Identity: Unveiling the Mechanics of Legitimation in Domestic Atrocity Trials”, in Journal of International Criminal Justice (2018), 16(2), pp. 203-228.

History on Trial: Historical Narrative Pluralism Within and Beyond International Criminal Courts”, in International & Comparative Law Quarterly (2018), 67(3), pp. 547-576.

International Criminal Justice as Progress: From Faith to Critique”, in Morten Bergsmo, CHEAH Wui Ling, SONG Tianying and YI Ping (editors), “Historical Origins of International Criminal Law: Volume 4”, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2015, pp. 749-836.

A Critical Assessment of the Supreme Court of Uganda’s Judgment in Attorney General v. Susan Kigula and 417 Others”, in Journal of African Law (2011), 55(2), pp. 261-279.

The Broader Consequences of the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion on the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo”, in Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (2011), 49(2), pp. 321 ff. (co-authored with R. Tricot).

Unravelling the Confusion Concerning Successor Superior Responsibility in the ICTY”, in Leiden Journal of International Law (2010), 23(1), pp. 105-135.


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