
叶琳娜•普拉默纳克(Jelena Plamenac)是国际法研究与政策中心的研究员。她从日内瓦大学取得法学博士学位,日内瓦国际人道法和人权研究院取得法学硕士学位。她主要研究冲突中和冲突结束后的法律多元化问题,包括保护平民和过渡性司法机构,司法外交,及国际法、司法、权力和知识之间的关系。
“Legislative Measures in International Humanitarian Law: A Jigsaw of Settle Fragmentation”, in Dražan Djukić and Niccolò Pons (editors), Companion to International Humanitarian Law, Brill/Nijhoff, Leiden, 2018 (co-authored with Azra Kuci).
“Private Property and International Humanitarian Law”, in Dražan Djukić and Niccolò Pons (editors), Companion to International Humanitarian Law, Brill/Nijhoff, Leiden, 2018.
“Extensive Destruction and Appropriation of Property”, in Dražan Djukić and Niccolò Pons (editors), Companion to International Humanitarian Law, Brill/Nijhoff, Leiden, 2018.
“‘War on Terror’ and Human Rights”, in Bojan Djurić (editor), New Wave, Belgrade Center for Human Rights, Belgrade, 2005.