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Super Grammar: The Comprehensive Encyclopedia of English Grammar for Arab Learners, Dar An-Nashr for Universities, Cairo, 2001.

Legal into English Exercise Book for AUC Translation Students, AUC Press, Cairo, 2007.

Legal into Arabic Exercise Book for AUC Translation Students, AUC Press, Cairo, 2007.

UN Study Guide for AUC Translation Students, AUC Press, Cairo, 2006.

Lexicography and Terminology, AUC Press, Cairo, 2007 (co-authored).


C. Bassiouni, Crimes Against Humanity, Dar Alnahda Alarabia, Cairo, 2012.

C. Bassiouni, International Cooperation in Penal Matters, Dar Alnahda Alarabia, Cairo, 2013.

C. Bassiouni, Human Rights in Arab Constitutions, Dar Alnahda Alarabia, Cairo 2015.

Tracing Illegal Assets - A Practitioner’s Guide, by International Centre for Asset Recovery, International Center for Asset Recovery, Basel, 2017.

ICC Case Matrix Elements Digest, ICC legal Tools Project, 2013; and

Several hundred official documents of the UN, World health Organization, International Atomic Energy Agency, and International Criminal Court (since 2010).


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