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Enhancing Atrocity Fact-Work: Experiences With I-DOC in Iraq and Ukraine

Speakers: Gunnar Ekeløve-Slydal (Director, Coalition for International Criminal Justice; Deputy Secretary-General, Norwegian Helsinki Committee); Ilia Utmelidze (Director, CILRAP-CMN; creator of I-DOC); Judge Ayman Mustafa (Head, Commission for Investigation and Gathering Evidence, Iraq); Valentyna Soloviova and Yuriy Uhryn (Analytical Department Manager and Lawyer, Truth Hounds); Ilya Nuzov (Acting Head, Justice Desk, International Federation for Human Rights); and Dr. William H. Wiley (Director, Commission for International Justice and Accountability); chaired by Dr. David Donat Cattin (NYU Center for Global Affairs).
Topic: Enhancing Atrocity Fact-Work: Experiences With I-DOC in Iraq and Ukraine.
Date of recording: 2 December 2024
Place of recording: Conference room Europe 1 and 2, World Forum, The Hague
Duration of recording: 44:24
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/241202-i-doc/
PURL of I-DOC: https://www.legal-tools.org/i-doc/
PURL of CILRAP event page: https://www.cilrap.org/241202/
PURL of film of first segment of event: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/241202-prioritization/
PURL of film of second segment of event: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/241202-ltd-lexsitus/


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