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Roberto Bellelli, CILRAP Conversations

Speaker: Judge Roberto Bellelli (President, Military Tribunal for Sentence Enforcement, Rome)
Topic: A CILRAP Conversation on World Order focusing on ‘international criminal justice institutions’; state supervision and management of such institutions; politics of securing state budgets; the potential role of national prosecutors and judges in nominating international judges and high officials; the concept of a ‘world order’; legality as a driving factor in state policy decisions; ICL as a weapon in state rivalries; political sovereignty; role of national actors in international accountability; lessons from national jurisdictions on preservation of evidence and dealing with old evidence; military justice systems; need for professionalism in international criminal justice; and the mid- and long-term prospects.
Date of recording: 16 June 2021
Place of recording: CILRAP Bottega, Florence
Duration of recording: 01:42:32
PURL: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/210616-bellelli/
PURL of related Nouwen Conversation: https://www.cilrap.org/cilrap-film/221003-nouwen
PURL of policy brief on ICC State-Party governance: https://www.toaep.org/pbs-pdf/146-governance/


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