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Antonio Angotti

Antonio Angotti is a CILRAP Fellow and an attorney at the Bar Association of Florence, where he grew up and studied law before obtaining his LL.M. degree at the Pennsylvania State University (with a scholarship from the Università degli Studi di Firenze). His studies were directed towards human rights and international justice, with a background in comparative criminal law and constitutional law. As a CILRAP Fellow, he, inter alia, works on Lexsitus and TOAEP publications.

Some publications of Antonio Angotti:

Individual Integrity and Independence of Judges: The Akay Saga”, in Morten Bergsmo and Viviane E. Dittrich (editors), Integrity in International Justice, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020, pp. 919-949 (co-authored with Basil Saen and Shan Patel).

Investigation Plans in the Draft Regulations of the ICC Office of the Prosecutor: An Italian Perspective”, in Xabier Agirre Aranburu, Morten Bergsmo, Simon De Smet and Carsten Stahn (editors), Quality Control in Criminal Investigation, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020, pp. 921-849.

Genocide and Constitutionalism in Bangladesh”, in Policy Brief Series, No. 113 (2020), Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020.

The Arakan Army: Violence in Rakhine State in Myanmar”, in Policy Brief Series, No. 107 (2020), Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020 (co-authored with NAKANISHI Yoshihiro).

In Search of Abbreviated Criminal Procedures”, in FICHL Policy Brief Series, No. 91 (2018), Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2018.


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