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德瓦希什•巴伊斯(Devasheesh Bais)是CILRAP研究员、国际刑事法院法律工具项目(ICC Legal Tools Project)的副协调员。他是玛德哈耶•普拉得什律师理事会(Bar Council of Madhya Pradesh)的成员律师 。

巴伊斯曾任前联合国国际法委员会主席纳林德•辛格(Narinder Singh)的研究助理。他还曾在国际司法和责任委员会工作,并在联合国国际刑事法庭余留机制(阿鲁沙)、亚非法律协商组织、联合国难民高级专员等机构实习,并参加了多个模拟法庭活动。他从印度金达国际大学(O.P. Jindal Global University)取得法学(荣誉)学士学位,奥斯陆大学取得国际公法硕士学位。


Prioritisation of Suspected Conduct and Cases: From Idea to Practice”, in Xabier Agirre Aranburu, Morten Bergsmo, Simon De Smet and Carsten Stahn (editors), Quality Control in Criminal Investigation, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020, pp. 563-586.

Understanding Indian Responses to the Rohingya Crisis”, in Policy Brief Series, No. 117 (2020), Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020.

Human Rights Litigation before Indian Courts as an Example and Resource for other Asian States”, in FICHL Policy Brief Series, No. 64 (2016), Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2016 (co-authored with Vinamra Kopariha).

India and the International Criminal Court”, in FICHL Policy Brief Series, No. 54 (2016), Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2016.

“Rocket Emissions and the Environment: Need for Legal Regimes”, in KLE Law Journal (2015), 2(1), pp. 259-278 (co-authored with Shireen Moti).


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